Truth & Love Blog
Should the Pastor Dictate the Church Vision?
Should the pastor determine the church vision or should the church leadership facilitate a joint vision-catching process?
A Prayer for Sunday Worship: Confession and Petition
My transgressions and short-comings present me with a list of accusations, but I bless Thee that they will not stand against me, for all have been laid on Christ.
7 Wrong Influences on Church Decision-Making
Everyone has a mission/vision. Some let the Bible shape it, others let one of 7 wrong influences shape it.
Discover Your Unique Ministry Purpose
Learn how to move from God’s universal mission to your unique ministry vision, passion, and commission.
Capturing Your Biblical Calling
One of the legitimate concerns that some Christians express about the envisioning process is that there is typically little or no Bible or theology involved.
How to Facilitate a Biblical Mission/Vision Process
The ways we typically invite people to do church and be the church are not compelling enough. We cater to consumers with eye-candy instead of challenging Christians to live courageously for Christ.”
Shame Interrupted: A Review
In Shame Interrupted, Ed Welch shines the light of the gospel into the dark abyss of shame. Because of Welch’s candid perspective, Shame Interrupted was at first hard to read, then hard to put down, and now easy to recommend.
Free Resource: 5 GRACE Biblical Counseling Skills
Download for free, enjoy, and be equipped by: 5 GRACE Biblical Counseling Skills.
A Prayer for Sunday Worship: The Dark Night of the Soul
Why does much of modern Christianity shy away from what the Bible boldly proclaims—lament?
Les Misérables: The Dream Lives
The musical version of Les Misérables will be released in theaters this Christmas. Enjoy the movie trailer.