Truth & Love Blog
5 Biblical Counseling Sustaining Skills: GRACE, Part 1
The Spiritual Friend’s Prayer: “Dear Lord, Help me to approach every relationship as an audience with an eternally valuable human being.”
Here’s the really deep, dark secret. The world is clueless that they are conforming to spirit of the age. They are oblivious to the reality that this spirit comes from the Evil One—Satan, the prince of darkness who is leading the whole world astray.
Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes
As Ashley’s voice trailed off, Nate asked, “Pastor Bob, can you help? Does the Bible offer any hope for my wife?”
Patience: Keeping the Finish Line in View
How could keeping the finish line in view keep you more patient with others and with life as you run the race of life?
A Prayer for Peace by Grace and Not Performance
Father, thank You that You love me just as much when I am ‘behaving and good’ as when I am a prodigal moving away from Your grace—my movement away never creates any true distance because You are ever and always the Pursuing One.
5 to Live By: The Top 5 Christian Blog Posts of the Week
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living–including the top 10 books on marriage.
Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling
Today we’d like to introduce you to the forty co-authors and the twenty-eight chapters in Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling.
Biblical Counseling and Church History, Part Two
In this video, David Powlison and Bob Kellemen discuss how church history provides a framework for evaluating modern forms of counseling.
Biblical Counseling and Church History, Part One
Video Interaction with Bob Kellemen and David Powlison Discussing Biblical Counseling and Church History
It’s a Book(let)!: Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure
This is the 7th time I’ve enjoyed opening the first shipment of my latest book. This time my seventh book is a booklet. Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure