Truth & Love Blog

A Prayer for Sunday Worship: The Slow, Steady Wonder

A Prayer for Sunday Worship: The Slow, Steady Wonder O Lord our God, We know You are not only good but also great.  We know You are able to do strange and wonderful things. Let us not be so skeptical that we fail to see them. But neither let us be so greedy for signs...

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This Changes Everything

I’ve often said that there’s one passage of Scripture that if I consistently applied it to my life—then everything about how I live would change.

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Changing Lives at the ABC

You’re passionate about equipping God’s people for every-member-ministry as biblical counselors. However, you’re tired of seeing great effort expended on “programs” that don’t launch, don’t last, or don’t result in leaving a legacy of loving leaders.

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9 Top Blog Organizers

In the Christian blogging world, if you want to keep your head above the water, you desperately need to read these 9 blog organizers.

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Idols of the Heart

John Calvin (1509-1564) was convinced that the human mind is a veritable “factory of idols.”

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5 to Live By: The Top 5 Christian Blog Posts of the Week

Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living–including posts by Challies, Rainer, and others on topics related to pro-life, local church ministry, Christian growth and more.

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