Truth & Love Blog
Chicago Bears 2012 Schedule and Predictions
Okay, I admit it. Predicting the Chicago Bears 2012 W/L record doesn’t totally fit with my RPM Ministries “theme” of Equipping You to Change Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth.
Equipping a Worship Ministry Team
Today, let’s think about a simple process for equipping a worship ministry team.
Biblical Counseling and Church History, Part 2
The Biblical Counseling Coalition has posted two videos of myself and David Powlison discussing the history of one-another ministry in the church.
A Prayer for Sunday Worship: Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, I ask that Your promises of daily grace cascade upon me like an invigorating waterfall.
Biblical Counseling and Church History
“The church has always been about the business of helping hurting and hardened people find hope in Christ.”
5 to Live By: The Top 5 Christian Blog Posts of the Week
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Equipping the Saints
It’s that time of year. I’m putting the proverbial “finishing touches” on my outline/handout/notes and on my PowerPoint Presentation for this year’s Association of Biblical Counselors’ Pre-Conference. I’ll be presenting on Equipping Counselors for Your Church.
Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure—Quotes of Note
Two questions are central as we fight against anxiety: Who is God? What is my identity in Christ?
Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure
Do you, or someone you know, struggle with worry, fear, or anxiety?
Follow Jesus
The Easter Story in 140 Twitter Characters: Powerful