Truth & Love Blog
Dispensers of Grace
Christ calls biblical counselors to be dispensers of grace meeting human guilt with God’s grace and forgiveness. Grace is God’s medicine of choice for suffering and sin. Grace is God’s prescription for our disgrace.
A Prayer for Sunday Worship: From John Wesley
Let us commend our hearts to you, and let all our ways be pleasing in your sight.
Celebrating the Empty Tomb
Is there a biblical model for spiritual friendship, one-another ministry, biblical counseling, and pastoral counseling?
Five to Live By: The Top 5 Christian Blog Posts of the Week
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Including suicide prevention, pastoral ministry, grieving, and more.
Climbing in the Casket
Shared sorrow is endurable sorrow.
Biblical Soul Care for Suffering
Biblical counselors compassionately identify with people in pain.
God’s Treasure Map
Is there a biblical model for spiritual friendship, one-another ministry, biblical counseling, and pastoral counseling?
Spiritual Map Quest
Is there a biblical model for spiritual friendship, one-another ministry, biblical counseling, and pastoral counseling?
A Prayer for Sunday Worship: Psalm 92
It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High.

10 Books on the History of Pastoral Soul Care & Biblical Counseling
If we are to practice biblical counseling effectively today, we need to understand our historical roots. Here are 10 top books on the history of one-another ministry.