Truth & Love Blog
Quotes of Note: Martin Luther—Master Pastor, Part 5
The heart of Luther’s healing counsel was to turn people to the heart of God. Yes, life is bad, but God is good—He’s good all the time.
Quotes of Note: Martin Luther—Master Pastor, Part 4
“God often withdraws from us the comfort of visible things, in order that the comfort of the Scriptures may find room and opportunity within us” Martin Luther.
Life Lessons from the Captain Francesco Schettino of the Cruise Ship Costa Concordia
What life lessons can we learn from Captain Schettino of the cruise ship Costa Concordia?
Five to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Quotes of Note: Martin Luther—Master Pastor, Part 3
“The most dangerous trial of all is when there is no trial, when everything is all right and running smoothly. That is when a man tends to forget God.” Martin Luther
Quotes of Note: Martin Luther—Master Pastor, Part 2
Having turned people to Christ for His infinite comfort, Luther then became “Jesus with skin on” by empathizing with his hurting spiritual friends.
Quotes of Note: Martin Luther—Master Pastor, Part 1
“He who does not believe that he is forgiven by the inexhaustible riches of Christ’s righteousness is like a deaf man hearing a story.” Martin Luther
The Rev. Lemuel Haynes: It’s All about Christ
What epitaph do you want written about your life? How are you living today to make that happen?
Maria Stewart: A Heroine of Black Church History
“It is not the color of the skin that makes the person, but it is the principles formed within the soul.” Maria Stewart
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Founding Fathers of the Black Church
While Americans rightfully pause to remember the historic work of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is equally important to reflect on precursors to his work.