Truth & Love Blog
3 More Free Disciple-Making Resources from Equipping Counselors for Your Church
This is the third in a series of posts where I’m giving away free resources from the Appendix of my book Equipping Counselors for Your Church.
7 Free Disciple-Making Resources from Equipping Counselors for Your Church
In Equipping Counselors for Your Church, I explain that far too much “envisioning” is devoid of biblical content and practical relevance.
Three Free Disciple-Making Resources from Equipping Counselors for Your Church
Starting today, I am uploading sections of the Appendix materials from Equipping Counselors for Your Church that you can download for free.
Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord
Watch this powerful video of a ten-year-old blind, autistic boy sing Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord.
Healing for the Holidays: Part 10—The Light of the World
Grief’s ultimate goal is worship.
Healing for the Holidays: Part 9—Cropping Christ Back Into Your Holiday Album
Healing for the holidays requires that we allow God’s eternal story to invade our earthly story.
Healing for the Holidays: Part 8—Pregnant with Hope
I ache for heaven, for Paradise. But I’m pulling weeds until the day I die!
Healing for the Holidays: Part 7—Clinging to God’s Rope of Hope
You’ll never see waiting as one of the grief stages in any research study because it is not natural in a fallen world. It is supernatural.
Healing for the Holidays: Part 6—All I Want for Christmas Is Hope
Pray for your healing. Ask for hope. Ask God for the faith to believe that a new beginning is possible—it’s possible to hope, to thrive.
The First Annual Biblical Counseling Coalition Leadership Retreat
The next three days I have the privilege of facilitating the leadership retreat for the Biblical Counseling Coalition.