Truth & Love Blog
Five to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Too Much Nittany Lyin’
Rick Morrissey is a sports’ columnist for the Chicago Sun Times. Yesterday he penned one of the most powerful responses yet to the horrible child-sex scandal at Penn State.
100+ Books Exploring the Case for Christianity
100+ recommended books for exploring the case for Christianity.
A Post About a Post
The updated version of Five Hallmarks of the Fundamentalist Atheists is quite fresh and new. I’d encourage you to consider re-reading it.
Five to Live By: The Penn State Edition
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Today’s Five to Live By focuses on the horrendous sexual abuse of young boys by a former Penn State football coach.
Five Hallmarks of Fundamentalist Atheism
I have compassion and empathy for anyone who doubts Christ. By “lovingly exposing” some of the inconsistencies of “fundamentalist atheism” I hope to encourage and challenge those who do not believe in Christ to reassess their own unbelief. There’s no need to walk lock-step in the path of strident folks like Hitchins and Dawkins. There are other, more reasonable ways to view and explore Christ and Christianity.
Protecting the Powerless
Two recent incidents in the news, along with several testimonies from my most recent seminar, have me focused on protecting the powerless.
Do You Trust Your Bible?
“The sufficiency of Scripture ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”
Change Management, Part 4: Sail On
Change is like a ship that we simultaneously sail and refit.
Change Management, Part 3: Stewarding the Change Process
We should not expect people to change because we said so, but because God says so.