Truth & Love Blog

A Post About a Post

The updated version of Five Hallmarks of the Fundamentalist Atheists is quite fresh and new. I’d encourage you to consider re-reading it.

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Five to Live By: The Penn State Edition

Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Today’s Five to Live By focuses on the horrendous sexual abuse of young boys by a former Penn State football coach.

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Five Hallmarks of Fundamentalist Atheism

I have compassion and empathy for anyone who doubts Christ. By “lovingly exposing” some of the inconsistencies of “fundamentalist atheism” I hope to encourage and challenge those who do not believe in Christ to reassess their own unbelief. There’s no need to walk lock-step in the path of strident folks like Hitchins and Dawkins. There are other, more reasonable ways to view and explore Christ and Christianity.

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Protecting the Powerless

Two recent incidents in the news, along with several testimonies from my most recent seminar, have me focused on protecting the powerless.

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Do You Trust Your Bible?

“The sufficiency of Scripture ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”

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