Truth & Love Blog
The Anatomy of Anxiety: Quotes of Note
If we’re to avoid the one-problem-one-verse-one-solution mentality and experience the relevance and power of God’s Word, then we need a biblical anatomy of anxiety.
It Takes a Congregation
Paul’s biblical counsel for victory in anxiety involves standing firm in community—with brothers and sisters in Christ, with dear spiritual friends.
Guard Your Relationship with God Your Guard: Faith in Your Father
Martin Luther, who struggled with anxiety, noted that to deal effectively with life’s daily fears, we must first deal with life’s ultimate fear.
Facing Anxiety Face-to-Face with Christ
Ponder a situation where you feel like retreating, but you sense God saying, “Stand firm!” How could a gospel-centered commitment to glorify Christ impact your response?
Caring Carefully
To train biblical counselors we must think like and teach like biblical counselors—always relating truth to life in the context of relationships.
Brad Hambrick Reviews Equipping Counselors for Your Church
Equipping Counselors for Your Church meets a real need in Biblical Counseling – helping churches cultivate a counseling ministry that is tailored to the needs of their particular congregation and community.
The Anatomy of Anxiety: God’s Prescription for Victory In Anxiety
I hope in what follows to convey something of what it’s actually like to be struggling with and fighting against anxiety.
The Lord of the Storm
When the wind and waves of life Drove my soul to find relief, I was guided by the storm To find Jesus underneath.
When God Wants to Drill a Man
When God wants to drill a man, And thrill a man, And skill a man. When God wants to mold a man
To play the noblest part…
Jonathan Holmes Reviews Equipping Counselors for Your Church
In this seminal and landmark work for the church, Equipping Counselors for Your Church, Dr. Bob Kellemen has given us a go-to manual for raising up a new generation of counselors while nurturing the ones currently in our care.