Truth & Love Blog
9/11: Gaining a Biblical Perspective: Grace Math
The Christ of the Cross is the only One who makes sense of life when suffering bombards us.
9/11: Gaining a Biblical Perspective—Joseph’s Story
In the insanity of 9/11, is there any way to make sense of life? As we approach the tenth anniversary of that horrible day when not only the skies grew dark, but also our spiritual eyes, we need grace-eyes. We need to weave in another way of looking at life.
Five to Live By: The 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Edition
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living: the 9/11 10th Anniversary edition.
Where Were You on 9/11?
As we near the tenth anniversary of that horrific day on 9/11, each of us remembers where we were when we first heard the news.
The 9/11 Cross
As we approach the tenth anniversary of that horrific day, how does the cross of Christ and the Christ of the cross bring you healing hope?
The Bible Is Counter-Cultural: Christ’s Humiliation Humiliates Us
In our self-sufficiency, we reject the reality of our desperate need for Christ. We refuse to humble ourselves and become Christ-sufficient by clinging to Christ alone.
The Psychology of Unbelief
I’ve been pondering a question of late that has several wordings. “Why do people not believe in God?” “What is the ‘psychology’ of unbelief?”
Five to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
How to Resolve Conflict—Biblically
What do we do when conflict arises in our life, relationships, or ministries?
Responding Wisely to Conflict in Ministry
Nehemiah was doing God’s work, yet many people still resisted his ministry. Nehemiah models how to weather the worst ministry storm imaginable.