Truth & Love Blog
The Law and Church Counseling: Part Three—Scope of Care
The first law-of-the-land and law-of-love issue that biblical counseling ministries must address relates to informed consent.
The Law and Church Counseling: Part Two—The Legal History and Climate
What is the recent history of the legal system and church counseling?
The Law and Church Counseling: Part One—Caring Carefully
No one likes to talk about ethical and legal concerns in church counseling. They are often the unspoken elephants in the room that motivate church leaders to squelch biblical counseling ministries.
The Biblical Servant Pastor
If Christian leaders fail to focus on equipping, then we selfishly treat God’s people like children who have never grown up spiritually.
Want to Change Lives?
I’m thrilled to let you know that you can now pre-order Equipping Counselors for Your Church. My sixth book will be available on September 23, 2011.
A Lament for Your Loss
Numerically, there are more Psalms of complaint and lament than Psalms of praise and thanksgiving.
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
No grieving; no healing. Know grieving; know healing.
You’re Beautiful
At Cornerstone Community Church we’ve been singing Phil Wickham’s song You’re Beautiful. Here are the lyrics. Below the lyrics, you can listen to the song on YouTube.
Ask the Counselor: “Should I Try to Forget My Past?”
As a biblical counselor, people often ask me the important question, “Should I try to forget my past?”
The Biblical Counseling Coalition Interviews RPM Ministries
This week the BCC highlights RPM Ministries out of Crown Point, Indiana. To learn more about their biblical counseling equipping ministry, we interviewed their Executive Director, Dr. Bob Kellemen.