Truth & Love Blog
Cotton Mather: A Puritan Father’s Lesson Plan, Part 2
A Father’s Day question: have we lost our focus on a father’s spiritual role?
Cotton Mather: A Puritan Father’s Lesson Plan, Part 1
On Father’s Day we tend to focus on simple gifts to Dad—a tie, a silly or sentimental card—and back-yard barbecues. All good things, to be sure. And modern fathers tend to focus their parental energy on teaching their kids how to play sports, earn good grades, or lead a “balanced life.” Again, all good, but have we lost our focus on a father’s spiritual role?
Five to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Spiritual Depression
The whole art in spiritual living is knowing how to handle yourself. You have to take yourself in hand, address yourself, preach to yourself, question yourself.
How Do We Grow in Grace?
Many writers today are describing this connection as Gospel indicatives (who we are in Christ through our salvation) and Gospel imperatives (how we live out our newness in Christ). Two pastors who I have great respect for have been blogging about this topic this week: Kevin DeYoung and Tullian Tchividjian. Their conversations and interactions are the proverbial “can’t miss.”
Loved by Christ; Loving Like Christ
Do you think that Peter would have been won again without this faithful friendship of Christ?
The Limitless Love of God for You
You are not dealing with trifles when you are dealing with the love of God to you.
Three Dozen Quotes of Note on God’s Healing for Life’s Losses
These are my personal favorites from God’s Healing for Life’s Losses—quotes that most impact my life. Feel free to use them in your life and ministry.
Five to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Are You Smarter Than Anthony Weiner?
Unless you’ve been asleep for the past ten days, you’re aware of the fact that Congressman Weiner, after denying it, has now confessed that he sent inappropriate pictures of himself to several women. And he did it via a publicly accessible social media tool.