Truth & Love Blog
Good Friday: The Wonderful Cross
Chris Tomlin’s The Wonderful Cross calls us to die to self as Christ died for us.
Holy Week Timeline
Stephen Smith at Bible Gateway has put together a fascinating Holy Week Timeline Visualization.
Peace that Passes Understanding
When life is in turmoil, what passages do you read and reflect on to find the peace of God and to experience the God of peace?
Palm Sunday: “Hosanna—Save Now”
For Palm Sunday meditate on and compare/contrast Matthew 21:5 with Revelation 19:11.
Quotes of Note on Suffering and Comfort
I’ve taken the following quotes of note from God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: How to Find Hope When You’re Hurting. These are my personal favorites that most impact my own life. Feel free to use them in your life and ministry.
Five to Live By: The TGC11 Edition
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Today’s Five to Live By converge around the theme of the 2011 Gospel Coalition Conference.
The Ministry of the Word: Public and Mutual
As pastors and teachers, when we’re in the pulpit or at the lectern, we trust the power of God’s Word to change lives, and when we’re in our offices with a struggling parishioner or at Starbucks with a spiritual friend, we maintain that trust, rather than trusting instead in worldly wisdom. We are confident that God’s Word is profoundly relevant to change lives when shared from the pulpit, and we maintain that confidence in the personal/mutual ministry of the Word when sitting across from a parishioner.
Equipping Counselors for Your Church: What People Are Saying
Equipping Counselors for Your Church: What People Are Saying My sixth book will be released in September, 2011 by P&R Publishing. To view the book video trailer of the book click on this link: Equipping Counselors for Your Church: The 4E Ministry Training...
Serving Together: The Gospel Coalition and the Biblical Counseling Coalition
This year, the newly launched Biblical Counseling Coalition will have four active roles in the 2011 TGC Conference.
Good Friday: The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross
One of the most powerful practices we can participate in during Good Friday is reflecting on the Seven Last Words of Christ on the cross.