Truth & Love Blog
Women’s History Month: Women of the Reformation: Argula von Grumbach
To learn life lessons from 52 women heroes of the faith, read Sacred Friendships, which is the source for today’s blog post.
Women’s History Month: From Victim to Victor: Vibia Perpetua, Part 2
Learn about the first female martyr of the church.
Women’s History Month: From Victim to Victor: Vibia Perpetua, Part 1
When we think of the early church, our minds focus on the Church Fathers. Sadly, we normally fail even to consider the Church Mothers.
Free PDF: Learning the Biblical ABCs of Emotional Intelligence
I want to offer you a free thirty-page PDF version of this entire series: Learning the Biblical ABCs of Emotional Intelligence
A Dozen Emotional Intelligence Lesson Plans
What are the key emotional lessons we’ve learned in the ABCs of emotional intelligence?
Five Tools for Your Emotional Toolbox
The mature person has an emotional repertoire tailored to glorify God by showing God’s majesty and beauty to a weak and ugly world.
St. Patrick’s Morning Prayer: The Lorica
The following prayer by St. Patrick has been variously titled Morning Prayer, The Breastplate, or The Lorica.
Learning the ABCs of Emotional Maturity
Christians tend to be kindergartners when it comes to emotional maturity. That’s why we need to learn The ABCs of Emotional Maturity.
Holding Onto Hope
Of all people, Christians should be the most emotionally mature. Yet, often Christians seem to be the least emotionally mature and the most emotionally tone-deaf.
Not Your Father’s Pastoral Counseling Class
The old way of teaching pastoral counseling offered people a fish; it didn’t teach them to fish. The new way teaches students how to think biblically about every pastoral counseling issue.