Truth & Love Blog
Good News about Good Moods
Created by God, moods, like emotions, were a very good thing. Our heavenly Father intricately fashioned His image bearers to experience a variety of positive emotional states, the most optimal moods. Our moods and emotions have a purposeful function or they would not exist.
Why We Feel What We Feel
Emotions play a crucial editorial role that force us to do a double-check, to look outward and inward. Emotions are our “psychological sentinel” that connect us to our inner and outer world.
Emotional Intelligence: The ABCs of Emotions
Somehow we’ve forgotten that when God paused to ponder His image bearers, he pointed out that they, emotions included, were “very good.”
Why We Need a New Coalition of Biblical Counselors
Why We Need a New Coalition of Biblical Counselors
Meet the Leadership of the Biblical Counseling Coalition
Meet the Leadership of the Biblical Counseling Coalition
Five to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Hearing the Whisper of God
Whose narrative are you listening to today? What image of God are you clinging to today?
Putting Your Past in Its Place
Whether you’re struggling with the process of change related to past suffering or to past sin, Putting Your Past in Its Place provides the seasoned, compassionate, pastoral, hope-filled, biblical wisdom you need.
How to Learn to Love…All Over Again
Change in the home starts with change in the heart (James 4:1-4).
Learning to Love…All Over Again
People change. Love needs to grow with those changes. Our relationships need to mature as we mature.