Truth & Love Blog
Beauty from Ashes
When our fallen world falls on us, where do we find hope? We find hope’s source in the narratives of The Heroes of Black Church History.
The Best of the Best Around the Christian Net: This Week’s Top 5
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Does God Hear Our Cries?
When we cry to God, does He hear? Does He see our suffering? We find answers to these life-altering questions in the narratives of The Heroes of Black Church History.
Jesus with Skin On
When people we love are suffering, how can we help? How can we care like Christ? We uncover amazing examples of moving beyond suffering to God’s healing hope in the narratives of The Heroes of Black Church History.
Moving from Victim to Victor
When life crushes the dreams you dreamed, where do you find hope? When suffering invades your life, who do you turn to for examples of moving from victim to victor? We uncover amazing examples of moving beyond suffering to God’s healing hope in the narratives of The Heroes of Black Church History.
Is Black History Month Still Necessary?
As I speak around the country on Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care and Spiritual Direction, I’m frequently asked, “What do you think about Black History Month?” The question comes from my African American friends, many of whom are divided on the issue. Some think Black History Month is a net positive for African Americans, while others believe it is a net negative. The question also comes from my non-African American friends, who are equally split, and for various reasons. Having outlined The History of Black History Month, now it’s time to discuss Is Black History Month Still Necessary?
The History of Black History Month
As I speak around the country on Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care and Spiritual Direction, I am frequently asked: “What is the history behind Black History Month?” The answer is fascinating and instructive.
The Best of the Best Around the Christian Net: This Week’s Top 5
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Life’s 7 Ultimate Questions
In ministry, when real people ask you real life questions, where do you turn for ultimate answers?
Don’t Bury Your Talent: The Story of Argula von Grumbach
“I am distressed that our princes take the Word of God no more seriously than a cow does a game of chess.” Argula von Grumbach