Truth & Love Blog

Healing for the Holidays: Part Eight—Pregnant with Hope

Articles that offer a few quick quips, three steps, or secrets to survival rarely provide lasting help for profoundly hurting people. Healing for the holidays requires God’s curing truth for our troubled souls. True grief recovery demands Truth from the Author of life.

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GriefShare Surviving the Holidays

People who’ve experienced the death of a loved one often face Thanksgiving and Christmas with dread. But grieving people can find actionable strategies and encouragement to make it through the 2010 holiday season at GriefShare’s Surviving the Holidays one-time seminars across the nation.

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Healing for the Holidays: Part Two—Give Sorrow Words

In Part One, we saw Jesus and Paul giving us permission to grieve. Now we ask, “But what do I do with my hurt during the holidays?” Shakespeare said, “Give sorrow words.” God’s Word models that principle—we need to move from denial to candid honesty about the hurt that holiday memories can bring.

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Healing for the Holidays: Part One—A Promise

Holidays… They’re “supposed” to make us think of words like thankful, merry, and happy. We’re “supposed” to associate holidays with a phrase like “Home for the Holidays!”

But… what if a loved one is not coming home this holiday season? What if death, divorce, or distance causes us to associate the holidays with words and feelings like depression, anxiety, and stress?

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