Truth & Love Blog

Capturing Your Biblical Calling

Church ministry can be filled with activities that seem disjointed and disconnected. We wonder sometimes, “What’s the big picture?” “Where are we headed?” “What’s our biblical purpose?”

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Catering to Consumers with Eye-Candy

The ways we typically invite people to do church and be the church are not compelling enough. We cater to consumers with eye-candy instead of challenging Christians to live courageously for Christ.

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Eat Your Own Dog Food

My good friend, Scott Ryser, the Founder and CEO of Yakabod always talks about how companies should “eat their own dog food.” In other words, “practice what you preach.”

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Thinking Robustly in Community

We all have a natural inclination to present our view. We find it harder to represent views that faithfully articulate the consensus of a group.

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