Truth & Love Blog
How to Build Grace Connections
Connecting is a commitment to love another person. It is compassionate discernment in action. It is not a technique to be mastered, but a way of life to be nurtured by personal communion with Christ. Communion with Christ leads to connection with others.
Grace Connecting: Exposure without Rejection
How would your relationships change if you prayed The Spiritual Friend’s Prayer? “Dear Lord, Help me to approach every relationship as an audience with an eternally valuable human being.”
How to Care Like Christ: Offer GRACE
You’re reading Part One of a new blog mini-series designed to equip you with five biblical counseling skills using the acrostic GRACE. Excerpted from Spiritual Friends.
Review of The Mystery of the Holy Spirit
R. C. Sproul in The Mystery of the Spirit has honored the Spirit’s mystery while also respecting the Bible’s descriptions of Who the Spirit is and what ministries the Spirit performs. As an introduction to the topic that balances theology and life, The Mystery of the Spirit is well-worth reading.
Christian Themes: Big at the Box Office
Christian-themed films are taking many approaches—and big box office receipts.
Leaving a Legacy of Loving Leaders
I dread seeing great effort expended on “programs” that don’t launch or don’t last. “How do we effectively disciple the Body of Christ for one another ministry in the church and to the community?” “How do we pass the baton of ministry?”
The 4E Ministry Training Strategy
Leaders want to change lives. However, for most leaders the training process can seem overwhelming.
Want to Change Lives?
God wants us to be like Ed Sullivan—a host who calls others to center stage by equipping them to fulfill their calling. If Christian leaders—lay or pastoral—focus on equipping, then we leave an other-centered legacy of loving leaders.
The Radical Disciple: Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling
Despite its brevity (a mere 100 pages of text), John Stott considers The Radical Disciple something of his opus. After decades of pastoral ministry and writing, he desires to encapsulate what it means to be a thoroughly devoted follower of Christ.
The Ugliness of Self-Beautification
We follow foolish mindsets fanned into flame by Satan and his lying narratives about God as a shalt-not God.