Truth & Love Blog

Walk in the Word Partnership

Pastor James MacDonald and Walk in the Word are partnering with Bob Kellemen, BMH Books, and GriefShare on God’s Healing for Life’s Losses. Pastor James has chosen God’s Healing for Life’s Losses as the featured resource for his program from August 15th to August 30th.

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Pastor Steve Viars’ Foreword to God’s Healing for Life’s Losses

Steve Viars, Sr. Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, IN, leader of Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries, and President of NANC, graciously wrote the Foreword to God’s Healing for Life’s Losses. Steve knows about relating the riches of Gospel truth to the lives of hurting men and women.

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My Story of Finding God’s Healing Hope

In my book, God’s Healing for Life’s Losses, I walk with readers down God’s path of healing hope. In the first half of the book, I share my story of dealing with the death of my father. Even thirty years later, it’s not an easy story to tell. But I share it today, just as I did in the book, in the hopes that in reading my story, you too will discover God’s healing hope.

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Meet Tim Challies

View a brief video introduction to one of the world’s leading Christian bloggers: Tim Challies.

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Good Grief, Bad Science, and All-Sufficient Scripture

Yesterday, the New York Times published a fascinating Op-Ed piece by Dr. Allen Frances called Good Grief. In the article, Dr. Frances reports that a startling suggestion is buried in the fine print describing proposed changes for the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V). If this suggestion is adopted, many people who experience completely normal grief could be mislabeled as having a psychiatric disorder.

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How to Build Grace Connections

Connecting is a commitment to love another person. It is compassionate discernment in action. It is not a technique to be mastered, but a way of life to be nurtured by personal communion with Christ. Communion with Christ leads to connection with others.

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