Truth & Love Blog

How to Care Like Christ: Offer GRACE

You’re reading Part One of a new blog mini-series designed to equip you with five biblical counseling skills using the acrostic GRACE. Excerpted from Spiritual Friends.

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Review of The Mystery of the Holy Spirit

R. C. Sproul in The Mystery of the Spirit has honored the Spirit’s mystery while also respecting the Bible’s descriptions of Who the Spirit is and what ministries the Spirit performs. As an introduction to the topic that balances theology and life, The Mystery of the Spirit is well-worth reading.

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Leaving a Legacy of Loving Leaders

I dread seeing great effort expended on “programs” that don’t launch or don’t last. “How do we effectively disciple the Body of Christ for one another ministry in the church and to the community?” “How do we pass the baton of ministry?”

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Want to Change Lives?

God wants us to be like Ed Sullivan—a host who calls others to center stage by equipping them to fulfill their calling. If Christian leaders—lay or pastoral—focus on equipping, then we leave an other-centered legacy of loving leaders.

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