Truth & Love Blog

Our Forgiving Father Celebrates with Us

As you wait for the other shoe to drop, realize it already dropped on Christ. As you wait for the hammer to fall, realize it already fell on Christ. Whenever we return home, we have Somebody to forgive us.

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“Welcome Home!”

What is your picture of God? Do you see Him as a Father Who pursues you? In Luke 15, Jesus paints a portrait of God as a Father who welcomes us home with open arms.

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Our Forgiving Father

As we listen to Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son, we learn to put our ear to the chest of Christ to hear the heartbeat of God—the heartbeat of our FORGIVING FATHER.

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Worshipping: Finding God

Today, I’m sharing a few sample Worshipping Journey and Journal interactions to help you on your path of grief and growth—of finding God’s healing hope.

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Weaving: Spiritual Mathematics

I’m sharing a few sample Weaving Journey and Journal interactions to help you on your path of grief and growth—of finding God’s healing hope.

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Wailing: Pregnant with Hope

Today, I’m sharing a few sample Wailing Journey and Journal interactions to help you on your path of grief and growth—of finding God’s healing hope.

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