Truth & Love Blog
Grace Narratives
Instead of our perspective shrinking, suffering is the exact time when we must listen most closely, when we must lean over to hear the whisper of God.
The Biblical Counseling Movement: History and Context
Bob Kellemen reviews David Powlison’s “The Biblical Counseling Movement.”
The Best of the Best Around the Net (4/18/10)
My weekly post, The Best of the Best Around the Net, links you to blog posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Spiritual Mathematics
Biblical weaving is entrusting myself to God’s larger purposes, good plans, and eternal perspective.
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: Cover Images
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: Cover Images
Wailing: Pregnant with Hope
Wailing is longing fervently for heaven and living passionately for God and others while still on earth.
Clinging to God’s Rope of Hope
On the road to hope we encounter many choice points, many forks in the road. Your current choice is life altering: will you trust God or trust yourself? Will you demand heaven now or wait for heavenly hope?
Waiting: When God Says “Not Yet”
Waiting: When God Says “Not Yet”
Comfort: God Comes
God comes to comfort us with His crippling touch that plants the seed for future healing.
Tiger Woods and Forgiveness
Tiger Woods and Forgiveness