Truth & Love Blog
Our Forgiving Father: Part 4–Returning Home
Today in Part 4, we see Jesus’ portrait of a prodigal returning home to the Forgiving One. We put our ear to the chest of Christ to hear the heartbeat of God—the heartbeat of our Forgiving Father.
Our Forgiving Father: Part 3–Father, I Don’t Need You!
Today in Part 3, we see the reason why Jesus went to the Cross—each of us, in our own sinful way, have said, “Father, I Don’t Need You!”
Our Forgiving Father: Part 2–Leaving Home
We’re all Prodigal Sons or Prodigal Daughters. However, there’s hope when we put our ear to the chest of Christ to hear the heartbeat of God—the heartbeat of our Forgiving Father.
Our Forgiving Father: Part 1–Unforgiven
Apart from Christ’s life, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection—we’re all guilty and unforgiven.
The Best of the Best Around the Net (3/28/10)
My weekly post, The Best of the Best Around the Net, links you to blog posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Check out the following links you can trust.
Final Recap: Links to Responses to A New Kind of Christianity
What difference does our response to McLaren’s 10 ? make 4 how we care like Christ/biblical counseling & how we live like Christ/spiritual formation?
The Final Word: And the Word After That
You’re reading the final post, Part 13, of my blog series responding to Brian McLaren’s book A New Kind of Christianity.
Responding to Brian McLaren’s Question # 10: The What Now Question
Brian wraps up A New Kind of Christianity by asking the “What now?” question. Brian asks, “How can we translate our quest into action?”
Responding to Brian McLaren’s Question # 9: The Pluralism Question
Jesus is the only Way to salvation and to spiritual formation. Speaking the truth in love is the only means of evangelism and discipleship.
Responding to Brian McLaren’s Question # 8: The Future Question
For most Evangelicals, eschatology is much more than the Left Behind series. Eschatology is about our final destiny and what difference our eternal destiny makes in our current lives and ministries. Biblical eschatology has both individual and social/corporate applications.