Truth & Love Blog
Responding to Brian McLaren’s Question # 1: The Narrative Question
“What difference does our response to Brian McLaren’s narrative question make for how we care like Christ (biblical counseling) and for how we live like Christ (spiritual formation)?”
A Biblical Counseling Response to Brian McLaren
I’m responding to Brian McLaren’s book through the lens of biblical counseling and spiritual formation. For each of his ten questions, I’ll be asking and pondering, What difference does our response to this question make for how we care like Christ (biblical counseling) and for how we live like Christ (spiritual formation)?
Brian McLaren, I Accept Your Invitation
Dr. Bob Kellemen addresses the implications of Brian McLaren’s A New Kind of Christianity for “the personal ministry of the Word”—pastoral counseling, one another ministry, soul care, spiritual direction, biblical counseling, Christian counseling, pastoral care, spiritual friendship, personal discipleship, one another ministry.
Crying Out to God: I Surrender All
Crying out to God is a faith-based plea for mobilization in which I humbly ask God for help based upon my admission that I can’t survive without Him.
Complaint: A Lament for Your Loss
Complaint is vulnerable frankness about life to God in which I express my pain and confusion over how a good God allows evil and suffering.
The Best of the Best Around the Net
Links to the best Christian blog posts of the week: from Challies, Mohler, Sproul, and the Gospel Coalition.
Candor: Telling Yourself the Truth
God’s Word offers us profound practical wisdom for moving from denial to candor. What exactly is biblical candor?
A Portrait of Your Healing Journey
When life’s losses invade your world, learn how to face suffering face-to-face with God.
Spiritual Depression and Spiritual Separation Anxiety
How does Satan want to trap, trick, and trip us up when suffering enters our world? Here’s his persistent ploy. “Life is bad. God must be bad, too.”
The Story
How do you participate in life’s greatest adventure of empowering others to live a changed life if you remain powerless to change?