Truth & Love Blog
How Biblical Counselors Could Engage Matthew LaPine’s The Logic of the Body
How can biblical counselors engage other Christian authors and their resources in a humble, fair, and balanced way?
What Makes Biblical Counseling Truly Biblical? Part 3: The Gospel for Real Life
Secular psychology seeks to understand the creature by the creature. Biblical counseling turns to the Creator to understand the creature.
6 Types of Biblical Self-Examination Questions to Ask When Interacting with Fellow Biblical Counselors
How should biblical counselors relate to one another when they perceive differences in their biblical counseling views and practices?
5 Biblical Counseling Principles for Addressing Disagreements Among Biblical Counselors
What biblical principles could guide us as biblical counselors as we interact with other biblical counselors—especially with those with whom we disagree?
What Makes Biblical Counseling Truly Biblical? Part 2: Looking for Answers in All the Wrong Places
For life in our broken world, do we need Christ+, or the Gospel+, or Scripture+, or Christianity+ the world’s wisdom? Or, is Christianity sufficient for life in our fallen world?
What Makes Biblical Counseling Truly Biblical? Part 1: Where Do We Find Wisdom for Life in a Broken World?
When people asked Paul, “Where do we turn for life wisdom among many fiercely competitive worldview options?” he responded with an infinite answer in one word: “Christ!”
The Counselor Sees a Counselor: My 26-Word Summary of How My Counselor Is Helping Me
My counselor compassionately, comprehensively relates God’s Truth well and wisely to my whole life—patiently listening to and carefully helping me connect my story to Christ’s gospel story.
Biblical Counseling Word Study #7: Noutheteo/Nouthesia—The Comparative Significance of the Noutheteo/Nouthesia Word Group
Both parakaletic and nouthetic are important aspects of the personal ministry of the Word. That’s why this series on biblical words about biblical counseling focuses on both words.
Biblical Counseling Word Study #6: Noutheteo/Nouthesia—Part 2: What Is Nouthetic Counseling?
What is nouthetic counseling? Learn 7 marks of comprehensive, compassionate biblical nouthetic ministry.
Biblical Counseling Word Study #4: The Gospel-Saturated Foundation and Focus of Parakaletic Biblical Counseling
All aspects of parakaletic biblical counseling ministry are sourced and saturated in the good news of Christ.