Truth & Love Blog
Biblical Counseling Word Study #5: Noutheteo/Nouthesia—Part 1: Caring, Cautionary Communication to Ward Off Wandering
What are the meanings of the two Greek words behind nouthetic counseling, and how can we provide compassionate nouthetic soul care?
Biblical Counseling Word Study #3: “Parakaletic Counseling”—A Comprehensive, Compassionate Biblical Name for Biblical Counseling
18 Reasons Why “Parakaletic” Would Be a Comprehensive, Compassionate Summary of Biblical Counseling and Soul Care.
A Shirley Update at Two Years: Walking Hand-in-Hand…with Jesus
We never walk alone. We walk hand-in-hand together with Jesus. We savor our Savior.
3 Reasons Why Jay Adams Called His Counseling Model “Nouthetic”
Why did Jay Adams call his counseling model “nouthetic,” and what did he mean by the label “nouthetic counseling”?
Jay Adams, Nouthetic Counseling, and Neuroscience
From the start of the modern nouthetic counseling movement, Jay Adams used neuroscience in support of his nouthetic model of counseling.
11 Free Resources About Our Emotions
There’s much confusion in Christian circles about the role and value of emotions. I pray that these resources will provide biblical clarity.
10 Resources from Tim Keller for Gospel-Centered Biblical Counseling: Guest Post by Jason Kovacs
Jason Kovacs shares 10 resources from Tim Keller that are extremely helpful for gospel-centered biblical counselors.
Biblical Counseling Word Study #2: Parakletos—The Holy Spirit, Our Gospel-Reminding Counselor
The Holy Spirit Is Our Indwelling Christ-Centered, Gospel-Reminding Encouragement Counselor Who Applies the Gospel to Us as Sufferers, Sinners, and Saints
Biblical Counseling Word Study #1: Parakaleo—Empathize, Encourage, Exhort, Empower
We can summarize parakaletic biblical counseling using 4 “E” words: Empathy, Encouragement, Exhortation, and Empowerment/Equipping.
Emotions: God’s Idea
In Psalm 139:13, your emotions are the one element that God highlights as having been fearfully and wonderfully made!