Truth & Love Blog
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical, Part Four
Comprehensive biblical counseling has always helped hurting and hardened people through comforting and care-fronting with the goal of increased Christlikeness.
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical, Part Three, Embracing the Legacy
When we provide counseling for sin, but fail to provide counseling and counselor training for suffering, then I am of the conviction that such biblical counseling is only half biblical.
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical: Part Two, Whatever Happened to Suffering?
Some biblical counseling considers the seriousness of sin—sinning, but spends less time equipping people to minister to the gravity of grinding affliction—suffering.
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical
What makes biblical counseling truly biblical? What is comprehensive, compassionate biblical counseling?
Walk for the Cure for Breast Cancer
Walk for the Cure for Breast Cancer:Real Men Wear Pink! Dear Friends and Family,One week from today, I will be participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. I am just $150 from my goal of raising $2,000 for this important cause. All it will take is six people...
The Book of the Year!
“This may well be the book of the year!” Soul Care and Spiritual Direction This may well be the book of the year! Engrossing, important, well researched, deeply biblical - what more can I say? Presenting imperative Christian nurturing, vividly illustrated by...
An Evangelical Theology for Kids 10 to 100!
An Evangelical Theology for Kids 10 to 100! Book Review DetailsTitle: Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of GodAuthor: Bruce A. Ware, Ph.D.Publisher: Crossway (2009)Category: Parenting, Theology, DiscipleshipReviewed By: Bob Kellemen,...
Seven Questions Every Biblical Counselor Must Answer
Seven Questions Every Biblical Counselor Must AnswerIn yesterday’s blog ( (Whatever Happened to Truth?), I included a section on Seven Questions Every Biblical Counselor Must Answer.Many of my readers asked, “Where do you address each of...
Whatever Happened to Truth?
Whatever Happened to Truth?Do you need a theological foundation for your people-helping ministry?Do you want to know the seven topics every person must master if they are to do truly biblical ministry?On the first page of my first book, Soul Physicians...
Memorial Day Tributes
Memorial Day 2009 TributesOn this Memorial Day, when many of us, myself included, tend to forget the true significance of the day, here are two tributes.The first tribute honors African Americans and their service for our country. Go to to...