Truth & Love Blog

Where to Go for Evangelical Book Reviews

The Site for Evangelical Book ReviewsInterested in book reviews written by Evangelicals? Then look no further than Discerning Reader:"Doc. K" Writing for Them NowEver since I discovered the site, I've visited it regularly. When they...

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The Counsel of Heaven on Earth

The Counsel of Heaven on Earth: Foundations for Biblical Christian CounselingBook Review DetailsAuthor: Ian F. Jones, Ph.D.Publisher: Broadman & Holman (2006) Category: Biblical Counseling, Christian Counseling, Christian Living, DiscipleshipReviewed: 05/22/09 by...

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A Plea for Listening to One Another

The State of Biblical Counseling Today:Discussing the ABC SymposiumPart III—A Plea for Listening to One Another Note: This is Part Three of a three-part blog mini-series about the Symposium on Biblical Counseling that took place on May 14, 2009 at the Association of...

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Connect through the VineLine

Connect through The VineLineAre you ready to be equipped? Then receive RPM Ministries’ free monthly e-Newsletter, The VineLine. For your personal subscription, email us at with the subject line: “Please Add.”What do you get in each issue of...

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The DNA of Biblical Counseling

The State of Biblical Counseling Today: Discussing the ABC Symposium, Part II—The DNA of Biblical CounselingNote: This is Part Two of a several-part blog about the Symposium on Biblical Counseling that took place on May 14, 2009 at the Association of Biblical...

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The State of Biblical Counseling Today, Part I

The State of Biblical Counseling Today:Discussing the ABC Symposium, Part IThe Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) ( made history on May 14, 2009, at Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth, TX ( ABC President,...

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The Most Interesting Man in the World

The Most Interesting Man in the World—Jesus!For those of you who have been asleep the past few months, or don’t own a TV, or TIVO everything and never see commercials, or simply are out of the “in” loop, the hottest commercial in the world right now is about the most...

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Change Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth

More Praise for Soul PhysiciansTo Order Your Copy at 40% Off, Please Visit:“Soul Physicians is no naїve verse-to-issue, sin-to-solution, mix-and-match biblical counseling reference. This is rich theology relayed in readable terms for...

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Soul Physicians, Part I

Praise for Soul PhysiciansTo Order Your Copy at 40% Off, Please Visit:“Soul Physicians is a great and unique book: deeply shaped by Scripture; promoting of a personal engagement with biblical teaching and with Christ; challenging and focused...

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Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day: Kindergarten CookbookMy wife, Shirley, who is an amazing women, mother, and teacher, cares deeply about others. She demonstrated her care for the mothers of her kindergarten students by having these precious five-year-olds create a Mother’s Day...

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