Truth & Love Blog
UnBULLievable Life Lessons from the Chicago Bulls
UnBULLievable Life Lessons from the Chicago Bulls You don’t have to be a sports’ fan to appreciate the knock-down, drag-out thriller between the Chicago Bulls and the Boston Celtics in the first round of the NBA playoffs. Some forecasted it as a “gimme” series for the...
Creative Suffering or Destructive Suffering?
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 42: Conclusion—Creative Suffering or Destructive Suffering? It’s clear that there is a typical way to respond to suffering. That typical way does not typically factor God into the equation.It’s...
Be Still My Soul
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 41: Be Still My SoulWhat about you? We’ve explored how we can journey with others helping them to worship God in the midst of suffering. But what about you?Whether you are reflecting on your past...
Clinging to Christ
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 40: Clinging to ChristHow do you help others to worship God in the midst of suffering? There are many effective ways to journey with people toward wanting God more than wanting relief. We’ll...
Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal
Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal · Author: Eric L. Johnson, Ph.D.· Publisher: IVP Academic (September, 2007)· Category: Biblical Counseling, Christian PsychologyDiscerning Reader Editorial ReviewReviewed 04/23/09 by Bob Kellemen,...
Mourning Into Dancing
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 39: Mourning Into Dancing Problems can either shove us far from God or drag us kicking and screaming closer to Him. So in suffering leading to worship, we ask a core soul care question, “How are...
Problems Are Opportunities
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 38: Problem Are Opportunities“Worship;” it’s such a common word. But what is worship really. Specifically, in the midst of grief, what does worship look like?Subtle ContrastsLet’s start with some...
Loving God or Pursuing False Lovers?
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 37: Worshipping—Loving God or Pursuing False Lovers of the SoulAs we progress through the stages of healing, we are transformed from regrouping to waiting, from deadening to wailing, from despair...
Seeing with New Eyes
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 36: Seeing with New EyesWhat about you? We’ve explored how we can journey with others helping them to entrust themselves to God’s larger purposes, good plans, and eternal perspective. But what...
Nourishing the Hunger of Your Soul: Introduction
Nourishing the Hunger of Your Soul: IntroductionBe nourished by some core concepts from the Introduction to Soul Physicians.“What would a model of biblical counseling look like that was built solely upon Christ’s gospel of grace?” (Soul Physicians, p. 3).“Love is not...