Truth & Love Blog
Dr. Kellemen Launches RPM Ministries Full-Time
Dr. Kellemen Launches RPM Ministries Full-TimeFriends,I’d like to share with you a decision that I’ve made after much prayer and consultation. After thirteen years of ministry at Capital Bible Seminary (CBS), effective July 1, 2009, I will no longer be serving as the...
Courageous Truth Telling
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 5: Courageous Truth TellingSo, the world’s way is denial. How do we move with God from denying the reality of our loss to brutal honesty—to candor?Candor DefinedWhat exactly is biblical candor?...
True Faith Faces All of Life
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 4: True Faith Faces All of LifeThe world has it’s way of grieving. But, when our fallen world falls on us, when suffering crushes us, we need much more than research. We need revelation—we need...
Facing Suffering Face-to-Face with God
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 3: Facing Suffering Face-to-Face with GodMy study of biblical suffering suggests an eight-stage process for moving hurting people to hope in Christ. God’s purpose in suffering is not simply to...
Radio Interview on Beyond the Suffering
Check out this hour-long radio interview about Beyond the Suffering on The Church Insider with Shamielle Alston. at:
Miserable Counselors?
God's Healing for Life's Losses:Post 2: Miserable Counselors?For far too long some biblical counselors have highlighted confronting the sinning, but minimized comforting the suffering. But if we are to rightly call ourselves biblical counselors, then we must address...
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 1: Creative SufferingFrank Lake powerfully depicts God’s purposes in suffering. “There is no human experience which cannot be put on the anvil of a lively relationship with God, and battered into...
RPM Ministries 2.0
RPM Ministries 2.0Be Equipped by RPM Ministries 2.0We’re taking RPM Ministries to the next level! And I do mean “we.” Over a dozen associates are now ministering with me to minister to you.We are offering five different types of seminars. To learn about hosting one or...
“What Cha’ Bloggin’ About, Robert!?”
Blog Friends,I want to thank all of you for following my blog: Changeless Truth for Changing Times. You can bookmark it as a favorite at two addresses: (My...
Uncommon Tony Dungy
Uncommon Dungy, best selling author of Quiet Strength, has penned another Super Bowl quality book in Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance. The two books cover...