Truth & Love Blog
A Voice for the Voiceless
A Voice for the VoicelessErin Haines (an African American reporter for the AP who has covered race and civil rights since 2005) published an intriguing article this Friday on Barack Obama and American culture. She accurately, I think, noted that, “Obama’s candidacy is...
Just Where Did the Emergent Idea of Salvation Emerge From?
Just Where Did the Emergent Idea of Salvation Emerge From?Recently Moody Press released Why We’re Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be. The “Emergent Church” (EC) is a name given to a loosely knit "group" of Christians who see the church emerging out of its tryst...
Where Are All the Brothers
Where Are All the Brothers?Pastor Eric C. Redmond writes with a burning passion for revitalization in the African American church. For Pastor Redmond, such revival begins with theology. While that word (theology) may terrify some, Pastor Redmond realizes how relevant...
Held, Part II
Held, Part IIGuest Blog by Pastor Aaron TolsonYouth Pastor of CROSS-EYED Youth MinistryHeld has always been one of those songs that tugs at my own heart. Being the father of two amazing young children, I must admit that I can’t imagine losing either one of them. My...
Cinderella: The Making of a Princess
Cinderella: The Making of a PrincessGuest Blog by Pastor Aaron Tolson,Youth Pastor of CROSS-EYED Youth MinistryBeing the father of a three year old daughter has made me quite familiar with the fairy tale classics such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella as...
The Hidden Tradition: Women of the Reformation, Part V
The Hidden Tradition:Women of the Reformation, Part VListening to the Silenced VoicesWhen we listen to the silenced voices of the women of the Reformation we hear the Reformation message of the priesthood of all believers. These women took seriously the doctrine that...
The Hidden Tradition: The Women of the Reformation, Part IV
The Hidden Tradition:The Women of the Reformation, Part IVReformation historian Roland Bainton proposed that the Reformation had a primary effect on the role of women in society. The dropping of monasticism in Protestant lands “made for the exaltation of the home, the...
The Hidden Tradition: Women of the Reformation, Part III
The Hidden Tradition:The Women of the Reformation, Part IIIReformation historian Roland Bainton proposed that the Reformation had a primary effect on the role of women in society. The dropping of monasticism in Protestant lands “made for the exaltation of the home,...
The Hidden Tradition: Women of the Reformation, Part II
The Hidden Tradition:The Women of the Reformation, Part IIMany readers are familiar with the names associated with the male leaders of the Reformation era. Few, however, recognize the unheralded names of the women of the Reformation. By unveiling their hidden...
The Hidden Tradition: The Women of the Reformation, Part I
The Hidden Tradition: The Women of the Reformation, Part IMany readers are familiar with the names associated with the male leaders of the Reformation era. Few, however, recognize the unheralded names of the women of the Reformation. By unveiling their hidden...