Truth & Love Blog
Common Themes in African American Acceptance of Christ
Common Themes in African American Acceptance of ChristNote: Excerpted from Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care and Spiritual Direction, by Kellemen and EdwardsDuring slavery, if spiritually famished African Americans were going to...
The Invaluable Legacy of the Invisible Institution
The Invaluable Legacy of the Invisible InstitutionThe Rev. Jeremiah Wright, in his now famous, or infamous, depending upon your perspective, speech to the National Press Club on April 28th, declared that attacks on him are attacks on the black church “by people who...
Church Racism
Church RacismLet’s be clear—there is no “typical” African American church. Just like there is no “typical” white church. Any statement coming from any person of any color that suggests there is one, monolithic, stereotypical style of “doing church” that represents and...
Held This Sunday I spoke at the three morning services at Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, Indiana on 2 Corinthians 1:3-11. Before each message the song Held written by Krista Wells and performed by Natalie Grant was sung.Here's the link to the powerful song and...
Bitter or Better?
Bitter or Better?The “buzz” of late has focused on one presidential candidate’s statement that during times of hardship, bitterness leads people to turn to God. Whether taken out of context or not, perhaps it will be helpful to reflect on someone in Church history who...
The Future of Biblical Counseling: Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part III
The Future of Biblical Counseling:Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part IIINote: Please read my April 17, 2008 blog for Part II of this post.Dream Number Eight: Biblical Counseling Will Be Holistic in TheoryBiblical counseling will focus on the full range of human nature...
The Future of Biblical Counseling: Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part II
The Future of Biblical Counseling:Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part IINote: Please read my April 16, 2008 blog for Part I of this post.Dream Number Four: Biblical Counseling Will Be PositiveThe modern history of biblical counseling has all too often become enmeshed with...
The Future of Biblical Counseling: Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part 1
The Future of Biblical Counseling: Dreaming a Dozen Dreams, Part 1As I speak around the country on biblical counseling and spiritual formation, I’m frequently asked the question. “When you say ‘biblical counseling,’ you don’t mean ___________ do you?” Various people...
American Idol Shouts to the Lord . . . Without Jesus . . .
American Idol Shouts to the Lord . . . Without Jesus . . .Last night the most viewed TV show in America, American Idol, hosted its second annual "Idol Gives Back" in hopes of raising over 100 million dollars for world-wide charities. The shocker? The show's grand...
Ammas: Spiritual Mothers
Ammas: Spiritual MothersAdmittedly, hearing the word “Amma” can be puzzling. We’re more familiar with the word “Abba” from Romans 8:15 where we learn that through the Spirit of sonship we cry, “Abba, Father.” “Amma” comes from the same cultural context. Both Abba and...