Truth & Love Blog

God and Hillary Clinton: A Spiritual Life

God and Hillary Clinton: A Spiritual Life*A Review of, Paul Kengor, "God and Hillary Clinton: A Spiritual Life."Let's state this clearly from the beginning. Whether you embrace Hillary Clinton's politics or not, whether you embrace Hillary Clinton's beliefs or not,...

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Discerning How to Be Discerning

Discerning How to Be Discerning *A Reivew of: Tim Challies, The Discipline of Spiritual DiscernmentTim Challies is well known to the blogosphere and to the world of Reviews. John MacArthur has it right when he says of Challies, “His weblog is a favorite...

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African American Theology

African American Theology*A Review of: Thabiti M. Anyabwile, The Decline of African American Theology: From Biblical Faith to Cultural Captivity“The Decline of African American Theology” is an important contribution to the ancient/modern study of African American...

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A Scholar’s Treasure Hunt

A Scholar’s Treasure Hunt*A Review of, Thomas C. Oden, How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western ChristianityThomas Oden’s How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind was not the book I expected when I read the title. It was...

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Who’s Alive to the Holy Spirit?

Who's Alive to the Holy Spirit?*Review of: Daniel B. Wallace, and M. James Sawyer, editors, "Who's Afraid of the Holy Spirit?"In 1993, Chuck Swindoll authored “Flying Closer to the Flame: A Passion for the Holy Spirit.” What that book was for the general...

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Martin Luther King’s Predecessors

Richard Allen and Absalom Jones:The Martin Luther King, Jr. of Their DayMartin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) was, of course, one of the main leaders of the American Civil Rights movement. What is lesser known today is King’s training and ministry as a Baptist pastor....

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Freedom’s Eve–Watch Night Service

Freedom’s Eve—Watch Night ServiceMany of us, regardless of race, are familiar with the tradition of a New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service. However, few of us know the true history behind it.We can trace the history of the Watch Night Service all the way back to 1862....

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To Know and Be Known

To Know and Be KnownIt seems that every few years the “in” Christian counseling model shifts. The current “in” thing is spirituality: spiritual direction, soul care, spiritual friendship.Those who know me know that I’ve been in on this “in” craze of spirituality (soul...

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