Truth & Love Blog

Maria Stewart: A Voice for the Voiceless

Maria Stewart: A Voice for the Voiceless[i]In September 1832, in Boston, Massachusetts, Maria Stewart (1803-1879) did something that no American-born woman of any race before her undertook. She mounted a lecture platform and raised a political argument before an...

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Daniel Alexander Payne: The Rosa Parks of His Day

Daniel Alexander Payne: The Rosa Parks of His DayRosa Parks (1913-2005) was the “Mother of the Modern-Day Civil Rights Movement” according to the U.S. Congress. On December 1, 1955, Parks became famous for refusing to obey bus driver James Blake’s order that she give...

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African Americans and Biblical Counseling

African Americans and Biblical CounselingI’ve been reflecting a lot lately on African Americans and biblical counseling. Leaders in various biblical counseling movements lament the low percentage of African Americans attending their conferences.Why? I think my study...

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“Rule Over!”

“Rule Over!”In my previous blog, I asked and answered the question, “What are the first words spoken by God to a human being?”The answer? Not Genesis 1:28, but Genesis 2:16.Genesis 1:28 was spoken to Adam and Eve, and thus chronologically had to occur in the context...

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“You Are Free!”

"You Are Free"What are the first words spoken by God to a human being?Most of us would immediately say they are the words spoken in Genesis 1:28, “Be fruitful and increase in number.”However, those words were spoken to Adam and Eve. “God blessed them and said to them....

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Beyond the Suffering SeminarOn Saturday, February 23, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., on the Main Lanham Campus of Washington Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary in Lanham, MD, I will present a seminar based on my latest book, Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy...

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Measure Twice, Cut Once

Measure Twice, Cut OnceConsider today’s blog “Part II” in “What I Learned about Life from My Basement!” In “Part I,” I discussed how my basement refinishing project reminded me of the principle of Sharpening the Saw.Measure Twice, Cut Once in Home ImprovementsHere in...

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Sharpening the Saw

Sharpening the SawI’ve picked up a new “hobby” the past year in a new home—woodworking. As in working with wood to finish my basement, including framing, building ceiling soffetts, putting in a wood floor, and putting in the floor trim and shoe.Of course, all of this...

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Bill Cosby’s Latest Book

Come on People!Dr. Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint have penned an instant classic that every American, regardless of race should race out to purchase, read, and apply. As a middle-age white male, I fondly remember listening to the wit, wisdom, and humor of Bill...

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My Grandfather’s Son: A Memoir

My Grandfather's Son: A MemoirSupreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is normally so quiet--on the bench and about his public life--that he almost has been perceived as reclusive. Finally, thoroughly, and happily, he has spoken (written) with "My Grandfather's Son: A...

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