Truth & Love Blog
The “Jena Six” Case Requires the Wisdom of Solomon
The “Jena Six” Case Requires the Wisdom of SolomonJena, Louisiana has become a national hotspot after over a year’s worth of racial tension. In September 2006, latent animosity boiled over when a black high school freshmen asked if he could sit under what had become...
Reasons to Believe
Reasons to BelieveIf you’ve visited or a major bookstore lately, then you know that all the rage in publishing is raging atheists raging against God.Fortunately, Christians are not silent. Nor are the Scriptures.Consider some of the following books to help...
A Clay Pot Named Paul Potts
A Clay Pot Named Paul Potts: To Dream the Impossible Dream Paul Potts' mania has swept over Britain and most of the world. In case you’ve been sleeping this summer and are asking, “Who in the world is Paul Potts,” here’s an overview.Simon Cowell, famous for his biting...
Unbelieving Atheists
Unbelieving AtheistsMother Teresa, a decade after her death, is all the rage now. Where? None other than with atheists of all people.What’s All the Buzz About?And why? Because of the publication of an innocuously titled new book Mother Teresa: Come to My Light...
All the Colors of the Rainbow
All the Colors of the Rainbow Why do we find multi-cultural worship so difficult. Here we are in the first decade of the 21st century, and yet Sunday mornings are still the most segregated hours in America! What a shame. What a sin. What are we going to do about it?1....
Ministering in My Home Town
Ministering in My Home Town What an amazing chain of events. Let me walk you through the history and show you something of God's majesty even as He works in mystery.1. Forty-eight years ago I was born at Methodist Hospital in downtown Gary, IN, and raised on 11th and...
Interviewed on the Bob Dutko Show
Interviewed on the Bob Dutko ShowI was interviewed August 7th on the Bob Dutko Show. Dutko is a conservative Christian radio host on FM 103.5 WMUZ ("The Light")--the most listened to Christian radio show in Michigan. The focus was the release of Beyond the Suffering:...
For Such a Time As This
For Such a Time As ThisToday marks the launch of Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care and Spiritual Direction. We offer this book with the prayer that God would allow all readers to:1. Be empowered to apply proven ways to help...
Quiet Strength
Quiet Strength: Book ReviewSuper Bowl championship coach Tony Dungy writes a tell-all book that the entire family can read. In fact, Dungy would not start his own bio with "super bowl championship coach." Instead, he would begin it with "Christian," then "husband,"...
Caucasian Writer Co-Authors Book on African American Ministry
Caucasian Writer Co-Authors Book on African American Ministry *Note to My Blog Readers: Please feel free to forward this news release to your local newspapers.The Elephant in the RoomWhen Bob Kellemen offers seminars on his new book Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the...