Truth & Love Blog
Beyond the Suffering
Beyond the Suffering I'm excited to announce that Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care and Spiritual Direction, my latest book, is now available for pre-order on secure your copy, go...
Converging Streams, Mighty River
Converging Streams, Mighty RiverBiblical counseling today is moving onto the right path. Perhaps a little history lesson (stay with me, history can be fasincation, honest; and I did say little") would be helpful.One Anothering Spiritual FriendshipLong before our...
A Voice of Healing
A Voice of HealingPicture the scene. It’s Civil War America. Women have no right to vote. Across the South, Blacks have no rights whatsoever. President Lincoln is assassinated. His widow, Mary Lincoln, is left devastated. To whom does she turn?To a Black woman. To...
What’s the Connection?
What’s the Connection?The Link between Biblical Counseling and Spiritual FormationMany of you know that I am part of a new "launch" of the Biblical Counseling and Spiritual Formation Network (BCSFN) for the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). With the...
A Voice for the Voiceless
A Voice for the VoicelessWhen people learn that I, a white male, have authored a book on the history of African American soul care (Beyond the Suffering)and that I am now working on a book on the history of women's soul care (Sacred Friendships), they look at me...
A Moving Experience
A Moving ExperienceIt's been a while. We moved to the greater Chicagoland area while still working in the Greater DC area. Go figure! The creative work arrangement allows us to be near our college kids, near family, and commute four weeks per year to teach modular...
Musings on Biblical Counseling: Teaching an Old Dog, New Tricks
Musings on Biblical CounselingIn seeking to launch the Biblical Counseling and Spiritual Formation Network (BCSFN), I’ve invited over 100 “experts” from various backgrounds. Many e-mails have been quite encouraging.However, one, from a leader in the field, who has...
Unveiling the “Secret of Jesus”
Unveiling the SecretI've been asked frequently, "Bob, what do you think of Brian McLaren's latest book, 'The Secret of Jesus'?" Here's my response/review.As an English major, genre is rightly extremely important to author Brian McLaren. Before interpreting any book, a...
Ask for the Ancient Paths
Ask for the Ancient PathsLiving in a generation without answers, facing abuse from every direction, pending destruction crouching around the corner, Israel desperately needed to heed God’s counsel. “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask...