Truth & Love Blog
Resurrection-Focused Marriage Counseling: Offering Hope to Hurting Couples
We offer couples a narrative with the subtitle: “Building Loving Marriages that Last through All the Storms of Life.”
7 Christian Views on the 2020 Presidential Election
I provide these 7 Christian views on the 2020 Presidential Election so you can be informed and then can make your own prayerful, educated decision about how to vote.
Resurrection-Focused Marriage Counseling: Having Hope as a Biblical Marriage Counselor
Because couples frequently come to us having lost all hope, before we do anything else we launch the marriage counseling process by infusing hope in the midst of hurt.
23 Books & Booklets on Changing Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth
Here’s a list of all my books and booklets on Christian living and biblical counseling—with a brief summary of and a direct link to each resource.
17 International Schools with Biblical Counseling Degree Programs
Learn about 17 international higher education institutions that offer degree programs and training in biblical counseling.
20 US Schools with Biblical Counseling Degree Programs
This list highlights higher education institutions (undergrad and grad) in the United States where you can earn a biblical counseling degree—either a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate.
12 Biblical Counseling Distinctives
People often ask: “What makes biblical counseling truly biblical?” “How does biblical counseling differ from other approaches to soul care?” These 12 distinctives answer these important questions.
Speaking the Truth in Love, Or Just Arrogant, Angry, and Argumentative?
Let’s not pretend and arrogantly assume that every time we confront someone else that we’re being totally “Jesus-like.” Let’s first confront our own heart.
52 New Biblical Counseling Books Published in 2020
I’m collating biblical counseling books published in 2020. If you know of biblical counseling books written this year that I’ve not listed, please let me know so I can add them to this list.
4 Biblical Compass Points for Biblical Counseling: Equipping in Individual Counseling, Part 2
In 1 blog post, learn about the 4 counseling skills that every competent biblical counselor must develop.