Truth & Love Blog
17 Biblical Counseling Resources on Addiction
Learn about 17 biblical counseling resources for addiction care and counseling from The Annual Guide to Biblical Counseling Resources.
920 Biblical Counseling Resources for Your Life and Ministry
The Annual Guide to Biblical Counseling Resources: 2020 Edition, collates 920 resources for your life and ministry.
Richard Allen and Absalom Jones: The MLK of Their Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the main leaders of the American Civil Rights movement. What is lesser known is King’s training and ministry as a Baptist pastor. Even fewer people know the long history of African American ministers promoting civil rights.
Sanctity of Human Life…And Ministry to Mothers and Fathers…
Here are three biblical counseling resources to minister to those who are considering having an abortion or who have already chosen abortion.
Friday 5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week (1/10/20)
5 top Christian blog posts of the week. Posts by J.D. Greear, Kevin DeYoung, Trevin Wax, Desiring God, and Ligonier Ministries on finding God’s will, the fruit of the Spirit, treasures in heaven, preaching, and more.
Friday 5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week (1/3/20)
5 top Christian blog posts of the week on preparing for the new year. Posts by Ligonier Ministries, Kevin Carson, Tim Challies, Matt Smethurst, & more.
A New Year’s Prayer for 2020
As we enter another new year, this prayer encourages us to entrust ourselves to God’s good heart, infinite wisdom, and affectionate sovereignty.
25 Biblical Counseling & Christian Living Resources from Dr. Kellemen
I’m often asked to provide a summary of my written resources. Finally…I’ve carved out the time to craft this summary of 25 Biblical Counseling & Christian Living Resources.
Who Is Saint Nick (St. Nicholas)?
Through the centuries, many stories and legends have been told of St. Nicholas’ life and deeds. They also help us to understand something of the “Santa myths.”
Jesus Is Infinitely Better Than Santa Claus
Santa puts gifts under your tree … JESUS became our gift and died on the tree, for you and for me.