Truth & Love Blog
7 Resources on a Theology of Biblical Counseling
What makes biblical counseling truly biblical? Find answers in these 7 resources on a theology of biblical counseling.
Friday 5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week (11/08/19)
5 top Christian blog posts of the week. Posts on suffering, counseling resources, worry, and more by Paul Tautges, Kevin Carson, Trevin Wax, and more.
Murderer Called to Ministry
What is your prayer of praise to our God of astonishing, startling grace-love who calls you to salvation and calls you to ministry—by grace?
Are You Overwhelmed with Sorrow Over Sin? Jesus Restores!
Are you overwhelmed by sorrow over your sin? Receive Christ’s consolation by remembering the gospel mirror of grace revealed in Jesus’ restoration of Peter.
In Christ Alone, Luther Found the Door to the Father’s Home: Reformation Week, Part 7
Luther’s Ninety-five Theses are the theological, logical, historical, and practical bridges between Luther the troubled soul and Luther the pastor of souls.
Luther Staked His Life on Christ: Reformation Week, Part 6
Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man would stake his life on it a thousand times.
Cropping Christ Back Into the Picture: Reformation Week, Part 5
The Ninety-five Theses blossomed out of Luther’s joyful and sweet discovery that he was at peace with God because God was at peace with him through his faith in Christ’s grace.
Works Do Not Work: Reformation Week, Part 4
Satan seeks to crop the Christ’s cross out of our salvation picture so we’ll flee from the Father and entrust ourselves to anyone but God.
A Hopeless Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God: Reformation Week, Part 3
Luther’s failed attempts to earn heaven by works: “I was a good monk, and I kept the rules of my order so strictly that I may say that if ever a monk got to heaven by his monkery it was I.”
Martin Luther’s Spiritual Separation Anxiety: Reformation Week, Part 2
Luther, like the men and women of his day, lived in ultimate fear of God and terror of eternal separation from God—spiritual separation anxiety.