Truth & Love Blog
How Do We Find Peace with a Holy God? Reformation Week, Part 1
For Luther, theology is for life. It provides the answer to life’s ultimate question: “How do we find peace with a holy God?”
12 Biblical Counseling Resources on Medication, Mental Health, and Mental Illness
Receive Links and Read Annotated Summaries of 12 Biblical Counseling Resources on Medication, Mental Health, and Mental Illness
90 Biblical Counseling Resource Links
Enjoy direct links to 90 biblical counseling resources: be equipped to care like Christ by speaking God’s truth in love.
11 Financial Stewardship Principles for Ministry Families
If a younger person in full-time vocational ministry asked you for financial stewardship advice for taking care of their family, what principles would you share?
Friday 5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week (7/19/19)
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on Christ’s grace for past sin, His grace for sexual sin, Jesus in the OT, and more by Jonathan Dodson, David Powlison, Jesse Johnson, Denny Burk, and more.
A Treasure Hunt!: The History of Biblical Counseling
“Surely the church has always been about the business of helping hurting and hardened people!” Let’s learn from that great cloud of witnesses.
Beauty for Ashes: Ministering to Victims of Sexual Abuse
Our holy and loving God is not silent about the horrors of sexual abuse. Nor is our compassionate heavenly Father silent about healing hope for sexual abuse victims.
Friday 5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week (7/12/19)
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on our victory in Christ, leaving and cleaving in marriage and family life, seeing Jesus face-to-face, and more by Tim Challies, J.D. Greear, Desiring God, Randy Alcorn, and more.
Friday 5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week (6/28/19)
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on teens and the gospel, praying for our kids at camp, being pro-life for the elderly, and more by Kevin Carson, Ellen Castillo, and more.
Where Can Parents Find Reliable and Wise Parenting Resources?
Raising Kids in the Way of Grace isn’t a how-to manual. It’s something much better. It offers honest and profound biblical counsel to parents who are seeking to raise their children with Christ’s grace.