Truth & Love Blog
Lost in Traffic and Lost at the Ballgame: God’s Affectionate Sovereignty in the Minutest Details of Life
None of us know what potentially frustrating “human incidents” we will encounter today, tomorrow. But all of us can know a Father with a Good Heart who is in Caring Control.
6 Biblical Counseling Resources on Eating Disorders
Where do you turn for helpful, trusted resources on eating disorders? Learn about 6 biblical counseling resources for eating disorders.
7 Gospel Reminders for Biblical Counselors: All Things Are Possible with God
“So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:7).
What You Signed Up for Is Impossible!
God has called us to the glorious and messy work of changing hearts and lives for the glory of Christ. What we’ve signed up for is impossible for us but gloriously possible for God.
Free Resources: Comprehensive Biblical Counseling, Counseling Unbelievers, and Grief Counseling
Download Free Resources on Comprehensive Biblical Counseling, Counseling Unbelievers, and Grief Counseling
How Not to Pray: Our Fleshly Prayer Versus the Lord’s Prayer
I’ve been reflecting recently on how we often pray—secretly, deep in our flesh—the opposite of the Lord’s Prayer. Maybe it goes something like this…
40 Quotes of Note from God’s Healing for Life’s Losses
I’ve taken the following 40 “quotes of note” from my book God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: How to Find Hope When You’re Hurting. Of the 20 books I’ve authored, God’s Healing for Life’s Losses is my personal favorite. I pray that the following quotes will be a blessing to you and to those you love and minister to…
Free Resources on Equipping the Church to Counsel
Download free videos and written materials from the 2019 National Conference of the Canadian Biblical Counseling Coalition: Gospel Conversations: Let’s Talk Equipping the Church to Counsel
Friday 5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week—Enneagrams Edition
I often have people ask me, “Bob, what do you think of ‘enneagrams’?” So this week’s Friday 5 to Live By highlights posts that assess enneagrams from a Christian and biblical counseling perspective.
The Rest of the Story: Do Something Great!
When your heart breaks, turn to the suffering Shepherd and through his comfort and in his strength comfort and shepherd others also. Do something great for your great Savior by serving others.