Truth & Love Blog

Gospel Conversations: Let’s Talk—Equipping the Church to Counsel

Truly biblical counsel must address the reality and depth of suffering in our lives; and it must show us that there is genuine, live-giving hope in the midst of the most difficult of circumstances. And it must take seriously our struggle against sin; showing us the way of progressive growth in Christlikeness through the power of God’s Word, the work of God’s Spirit, and the ministry of God’s people.

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Finally, a Biblical Marriage Counseling Primer!

If you are a pastor, biblical counselor, or anyone who walks with couples, get Counsel for Couples. I am confident it will not stay on your bookshelf, but be a well-worn resource as you care for and counsel couples.

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Sexual Abuse Prevention and Sexual Abuse Healing and Hope in Christ

Sexual abuse ravages the soul, causing unimaginable distress and damage. The Evangelical community has once again been jolted into this awareness by the just released article Abuse of Faith. I write today focusing on resources that can help us to respond as families, churches, friends, and counselors to prevent abuse in the church and to care and counsel for victims of sexual abuse.

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