Truth & Love Blog
Friday 5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week (3/29/19)
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on domestic abuse counseling, biblical counseling homework, and more by, Pastor Chris Moles, Pastor Sacha Mendes, and more.
19 Resources on the Methodology (How-To) of Biblical Counseling
Where do you turn for case studies on the “how-to” of biblical counseling? How do you become equipped for one-another ministry? What resources are available to equip biblical counselors? Learn about 19 resources on the methodology of biblical counseling.
8 Resources for Parenting (and Grandparenting) Children with Special Needs
Find direct links and an annotated summary to 8 resources for parenting (and grandparenting) children with special needs.
11 Resources for Equipping in One-Another Ministry & Biblical Counseling
Download for free, 11 resources on equipping the church for biblical counseling and one-another ministry–from presentations at the 2019 Conference of the Canadian Biblical Counseling Coalition
50 Foundational Biblical Counseling Passages
As part of a 4E Ministry Training Strategy Questionnaire that I distributed, two dozen best practice churches answered the question: “What are the foundational Scriptures upon which you founded and based your biblical counseling ministry?” Collated below are the fifty passages listed most often.
12 Biblical Counseling Resources on Grieving with Hope
I’ve taken today’s blog post on 12 Biblical Counseling Resources on Grieving with Hope from The Annual Guide to Biblical Counseling Resources—2019 Edition which includes 690 resources on scores of biblical counseling and Christian living topics.
690 Biblical Counseling Resources for Your Life and Ministry
Receive your 160-page list of 690 biblical counseling resources, each listed by topic/category, each category alphabetized by author for ease of location, each with a direct link to where you can locate the resource, and each with a one-paragraph summary description. Find the biblical counseling resources you need for your life and ministry.
A Psalm for the Betrayed and Abused: Psalm 55
One beautiful gift God has given victims of abuse is the book of Psalms. The psalms give us God-inspired words to give voice to our anguish and to hope in God. This is a significant part of healing and restoration.
Beauty for Ashes: Gospel Healing for Sexual Abuse, Part 5
Sexual abuse is not only physical abuse; it is not only spiritual abuse; it is not only relational abuse; it is also gender abuse. God created us as female image bearers or male image bearers. We are female or male not only in our bodies, but also in the essence of our souls, our selves, our personhood. Sexual abuse abuses a female soul and body or a male soul and body.
Beauty for Ashes: Gospel Healing for Sexual Abuse, Part 4
Shalom with God conquers alienation and involves reconciliation and the confidence that through Christ we are accepted in the beloved.