Truth & Love Blog

Reformation Day 500: Martin Luther Reformed My Life and Ministry

Today is the 500th the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. With any historical event that distant in time, it’s easy to think of it as lacking relevance for us today. Yet, Luther’s reformation ministry has had great impact on me. Martin Luther reformed my Christian life and my counseling ministry. Here’s how…

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Martin Luther on the Gospel and Mental Illness

Martin Luther on the Gospel and Mental Illness

This vignette is one of many examples of how Luther encouraged his followers to reinterpret life by exegeting it from a gospel perspective. He cared for souls by promoting the curative attitude of spiritual insight into the redemptive meaning behind events and experiences: cure through looking at life through the lens of the cross of Christ.

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95 Affirmations for Gospel-Centered Counseling

95 Affirmations for Gospel-Centered Counseling

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his now famous 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany. In doing so, Luther was launching a reformation in how the church understood the gospel of Christ’s grace for salvation. In 2010, over...

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