Truth & Love Blog
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: Friday 5
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on gospel hope, our God who sees, true friendship, corralling our schedules, and more…
10 Top Biblical Counseling Bloggers
Where do you go when you want to learn more about biblical counseling in the Christian blogosphere? Here are the top 10 biblical counseling blogs from individuals that I read and recommend.
How to Find a Biblical Counselor
Where do you turn when you or someone you care about is hurting? Finding a biblical counselor who will minister God’s truth to you in Christ’s love is vital.
16 Top Biblical Counseling Books of 2016
Here, in alphabetical order, are the top 16 books published in 2016 about biblical counseling or important to biblical counselors.
Hope and Help When You’re Hurting
When you or your family members are grieving over one of life’s many losses, where can you turn for hope and help? God’s Healing for Life’s Losses On Saturday, September 24, 2016, at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio, I will be presenting a seminar on God’s...
Grace Math: Divine Calculations
A Word from Bob: In a recent post, we shared about grace narratives and weaving truth into life. You can learn about that at Hoping When All Hope Seems Lost. Grace Math… Healing wounds requires grace narratives and grace math. Grace math teaches us that: Present...
18 Reflections on Grudem on Trump
Direct links to18 responses to Wayne Grudem’s recent article where he attempts to build a case for voting for Donald Trump.
Hoping When All Hope Seems Lost
Biblical hope is entrusting myself to God’s larger purposes, good plans, and eternal perspective.
The Gospel for Everyday Life
A Word from Bob: David Jenkins of Equipping You in Grace interviewed me on his podcast about Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives. You can go to Dave’s site to listen to the podcast interview here. You can read the manuscript of the interview here:...
Luther’s 184 Word Answer to the Question: “What Is the Gospel?”
In Luther’s tract, The Freedom of a Christian, written in October 1520, Luther describes how the gospel nurtures the Christian. Then he provides one of his most succinct summaries of the gospel—in 184 words. The Christian Nurtured by the Gospel “Nothing else in...