Truth & Love Blog
A Tale of 4 Easters
A lot of significant moments in my walk with the Lord have taken place around Easter, and I would love to share with you today the ways Easter has been part of my life’s story.
Four Frameworks for Fighting Fear
The Bible provides us with four unique frameworks for fighting fear and overcoming anxiety.
Who Titles Your Life Story?
Who titles your life story? Is it Satan through his condemning law-based narrative? Or, is it Christ through His gospel-grace narrative?
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: Friday 5
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on prayer, parents/children/and porn, black history month, leadership, and more…
Why Bother with Church?
In Why Bother About Church?, Sam Allberry argues convincingly that we cannot belong to Jesus and not belong to His church.
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: Friday 5
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on Executive Orders on Refugees, marriage relationships, God’s Word as our life guide, and more…
4 Portraits of Gospel-Centered Black Church History
For Black History Month, we view the life of the Rev. Lemuel Haynes who provides 4 portraits of gospel-centered black church history.
3 Bison Life Lessons from the Tapestry of Our Lives
God resurrects dead things. God is in the business of bringing souls back from extinction.
Overcoming 5 Types of Anger
The solution to all types of anger is nothing less than the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want changed hearts, not behavior modification.
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: Friday 5
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on gospel hope, our God who sees, true friendship, corralling our schedules, and more…