Truth & Love Blog
Gospel Listening
“To answer before listening—that is folly and shame” (Proverbs 18:13). Biblical counseling is not only “gospel conversations.” It also involves “gospel listening.”
4 Christlike Characteristics of a Biblical Comforter
Counseling competence without Christlike Character is like one corpse practicing cosmetic surgery on another corpse.
5 Marks of Compassionate Biblical Counseling
Truth-telling and relationship-building must be combined for any counseling that desires to be comprehensively biblical.
What Does Biblical Counseling Believe About Psychological Research?
What does biblical counseling believe about descriptive research or what we might call research psychology?
What Does Biblical Counseling Believe About Extra-Biblical Information?
“Where can we find wisdom for life in a broken world?”
Job’s Miserable Counselors: How Not to Counsel
Our greatest failure in counseling arises when we speak wrongly of God while we speak to one another.
Climbing in the Casket: Rich Soul Empathy
Empathy is not some secular Trojan Horse. It is a biblical word and a scriptural concept.
Mingling Our Sufferings and Sorrows
Has anyone ever participated in your suffering to the point of experiencing your pain? Have you ever been willing to take away another person’s pain by making it your own?
Counseling without Loving Compassion
In biblical ministry to those who are suffering, we suffer with another person and we point that person to their suffering Savior.
Half Biblical Ministry to the Suffering
God commands us to embody Christlike care in love and compassion, not simply to preach truth without a heart of compassionate love and care (1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Ephesians 4:15-16; Philippians 1:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 2:8).