Truth & Love Blog
3 Change Management Essentials
A Word from Bob: Change is hard—for all of us. Leading change in a church or para-church is hard work—for every leader. The Bible has a lot to say about change—and it all starts with changed hearts before changing purposes and programs. I’ve taken today’s post from...
Christ’s Medicine for Suffering: Luther’s Pastoral Counseling
I’ve started working on book 14: Martin Luther’s Pastoral Counseling: Counseling Under the Cross. In my previous post, I shared snippets from chapter 5: Gospel-Centered Comfort for Suffering. Today, I’m offering a taste of chapter 7: Christ’s Medicine for Suffering....
Gospel-Centered Comfort for Suffering: Martin Luther’s Pastoral Counseling
The human comforter is a sorrow sharer who points people to the supreme
Comforter by incarnationally entering the sufferer’s earthly story.
Do Not Put Your Trust in Presidential Candidates
“Do not put your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish” (Psalm 146:3-4). Naïve at 21 It was November 1980. I had just turned 21 three months earlier. (Yes,...
9 Perspectives on Trump, Clinton, and the Evangelical Christian Voter
I’ve collated online counsel from 9 sources that can be helpful to us as we seek to address the issue of Trump, Clinton, and the Evangelical Christian Voter.
Friday 5: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—by Kevin DeYoung, Brian Croft, Mark Dever, Ed Welch/CCEF, and Paul Tautges.
6 Free Resources for Teaching Gospel-Centered Counseling & Gospel Conversations
God calls us to speak the truth in love to one another. We call that biblical counseling or gospel-centered counseling, or gospel conversations—helping one another to joyfully and powerfully live out the gospel. There’s nothing I enjoy more than equipping God’s people...
6 LISTENing Principles
We can use the acrostic “LISTEN” to remind ourselves of basic components of competent gospel listening.
Listening to 5 Biblical Principles of Gospel Listening
God’s Word has much to say about our need to listen well to one another’s words.
Gospel Listening
“To answer before listening—that is folly and shame” (Proverbs 18:13). Biblical counseling is not only “gospel conversations.” It also involves “gospel listening.”