Truth & Love Blog
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Learn how Christ changes lives and learn how to care like Christ with Gospel-Centered Counseling and with Gospel Conversations.
Healing and Hope through Gospel Conversations
Bob has a unique gift to take the truths of the gospel he knows so well, and skillfully move them to the heart and help others do the same. Gospel Conversations: How to Care Like Christ is one of the finest demonstrations of that skillful movement I have ever read.
Author Interview Q & A on Gospel Conversations
In this Biblical Counseling Coalition Author Interview Q & A, we connected with Dr. Bob Kellemen to learn more about his very important and unique new book on being equipped for one-another ministry: Gospel Conversations: How to Care Like Christ.
4 Biblical Compass Points for Gospel Conversations
Book 13 is here! That’s right my 13th book, Gospel Conversations: How to Care Like Christ, has been released by Zondervan.
Gospel Conversations
Be equipped for 21 biblical counseling relational competencies. Together, these 21 counseling skills equip you to care like Christ. Learn the biblical and church history gospel conversation arts of Sustaining, Healing, Reconciling, and Guiding.
Biblical Counseling and the Church
What would it be like to attend a week-long seminar with nearly 3 dozen leaders in the biblical counseling movement and “pick their brains” about how one-another ministry could be saturated into the life of your congregation? And, what would it be like to have that...
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses at Covenant Life Church
When you, your family members, or friends are grieving over one of life’s many losses, where can you turn for help and hope? Through the “God’s Healing for Life’s Losses” seminar, Dr. Bob Kellemen encourages you to journey through eight scriptural stages in your response to life’s losses—helping you to find hope when you’re hurting.
Confident and Competent Pastoral Counseling
Ask any pastor (as numerous surveys have done) what is the most difficult and even intimidating aspect of their ministry, and they will tell you “pastoral counseling.”
A Gospel-Centered Approach to Growth in Grace, Part 2
When you’re longing to become more like Christ, is sanctification simply trying harder to obey the commands of Christ?
A Gospel-Centered Approach to the Christian Life
You and I struggle to live and love like Christ. In our struggle, God has implanted in our heart a desire to be more like Christ. But how does this occur?